5th Distributed Ledger Technology Workshop (DLT 2023)

May 25-26, 2023 (in presence only)

Bologna, Italy

Mandatory free registration using this form by April 24th. limited seats available


Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is having an ever growing popularity. The first applications of DLT concern cryptocurrencies, but the DLT disruptive features enable several applications in many scenarios of interest both in research and business contexts. In particular, the possibility of executing Smart Contracts makes the DLT technology suitable to be adopted in a large number of application fields, being Internet of Things, Cyber Physical Systems, Edge Computing, and Supply Chain Management, only some examples. At the same time, the adoption of DLT opens new challenges in terms of privacy, security, scalability, sustainability and decentralization.

This workshop is a forum for researchers, developers, and users to discuss issues related to Distributed Ledger Technology and its adoption in research and business scenarios. The primary goal is to foster discussion and cross-fertilisation of ideas among experts in different fields related to DLTs, and thus advance the national and international state-of-the-art. Research, applications, case studies, and experiences concerning DLT are all encouraged with a special focus on the privacy and security issues.

The topics of interest of the workshop includes (but are not limited to):

  • Blockchain foundations
  • Consensus protocols
  • Cryptography for blockchains
  • Privacy and anonymity on blockchains and their applications
  • Attacks to/through smart contracts
  • Formal verification of blockchain protocols and smart contracts
  • Scalability of blockchains and their applications
  • Lightweight protocols based on blockchains
  • Smart contracts and their applications
  • Decentralized finance
  • Transactions analysis
  • Energy consumption issues
  • Applications of blockchain technology
  • Decentralization and governance in DLT
  • Non-fungible tokens
  • Oracles, bridges and interoperability of blockchains
  • Game theory and blockchains


The workshop accepts three kinds of contributions: 1) “regular research papers”, 2) “short research papers” and “oral communications”. Submissions of all kinds of contributions, if accepted, entail an oral presentation at the workshop. As such, at least one author of an accepted submission must attend the workshop in presence to give the talk. Remote talks will not be possible.

Regular and short research papers must include original results (i.e., results not published yet and not concurrently under submissions neither to a conference/workshop with proceedings, nor to a journal). Research results in the form of position papers or SoKs are also welcome. It is expected that regular and short research papers will be evaluated by 3 reviewers. All accepted (both regular and short) research papers will be included in the DLT 2023 proceedings published on CEUR-WS. Rejected (both regular and short) research papers will be then evaluated as oral communications unless the authors specify in the submission right after the title that "the paper should not be evaluated as an oral communication".

Regular research papers should have a minimum length of 10 pages and a maximum length of 15 pages followed by bibliography and an appendix. Reviewers are not required to read the appendix. Additionally, there is a plan to invite extended full versions of selected regular research papers for a special issue of a journal. More details will be announced in the next version of this call for papers.

Short research papers should have a minimum length of 4 and a maximum length of 8 pages followed by a bibliography (no appendix is allowed).

Submissions of oral communications are expected to be short with a maximum of 2 pages and are not required to follow a specific format. The review process of submitted oral communications will be lighter and the notification will consist of just a short sentence motivating acceptance or rejection. Since oral communications will not appear in the proceedings, such submissions can also refer to already published results.


Research paper submission: February 24, 2023 AoE March 5, 2023 AoE
Oral communication submission: March 31, 2023 AoE April 2, 2023
Acceptance Notification: April 7, 2023


Participation in the workshop is free and subject to compulsory registration: here.



Aula G1 (main event), Istituto di Geologia e Paleontologia Raimondo Selli: via Zamboni 67, Bologna, Italy

Aula Ercolani E3 (meetings): via Mura Anteo Zamboni 2B, Bologna, Italy

Social Dinner

Ristorante Lambrusco, via Garavaglia 5, Bologna




DAY 1: Thursday 25th

9:00-9:10 Opening session
9:10-11:00 Session 1
9:10-9:22 Exploiting Ethereum after "The Merge": The Interplay between PoS and MEV Strategies (oral communication) - Davide Mancino, Alberto Leporati, Marco Viviani and Giovanni Denaro
9:22-9:34 Towards a quantum-safe transaction signature in Ethereum (oral communication) - Stefano Bistarelli, Marco Fiore, Ivan Mercanti and Marina Mongiello
9:34-9:46 Analysis of the Confirmation Time in Proof-of-Work Blockchains (oral communication) - Ivan Malakhov, Andrea Marin, Daria Smuseva and Sabina Rossi
9:46-10:04 Certified Byzantine Consensus with Confidential Quorum for a Bitcoin-derived Permissioned DLT - Marco Benedetti, Francesco De Sclavis, Marco Favorito, Giuseppe Galano, Sara Giammusso, Antonio Muci and Matteo Nardelli
10:04-10:16 Smart contracts in a bare-bone UTXO model (oral communication) - Massimo Bartoletti, Riccardo Marchesin and Roberto Zunino
10:16-10:34 Studying the Compounding Effect: The Role of Proof-of-Stake Parameters on Wealth Distribution - Alberto Leporati
10:34-10:46 A theoretical basis for Blockchain Extractable Value (oral communication) - Massimo Bartoletti and Roberto Zunino.
11:00-11:20 Coffee break
11:20-13:10 Session 2
11:20-11:32 A dataset trading system based on DLT and IPFS (oral communication) - Marco Di Francesco, Lodovica Marchesi, Michele Marchesi and Raffaele Porcu
11:32-11:50 Not Enough IoT After All: Visiting Transactional Characteristics of IoT Blockchains - Abhimanyu Rawat, Vanesa Daza and Matteo Signorini
11:50-12:02 On the Synchronization Power of Token Smart Contracts (oral communication) - Giorgia Azzurra Marson
12:02-12:20 Orchestration of Blockchain-based Digital Twins - Marco Benedetti, Marco Favorito and Matteo Nardelli
12:20-12:32 PUF-Based Identification Tags and Blockchain for Supply Chain Management (oral communication) - Carmelo Felicetti, Antonella Guzzo, Antonino Rullo, Domenico Saccà and Francesco Pasqua
12:32-12:50 A Decentralized Data Sharing Framework based on a Key-Redistribution method - Fadi Barbara, Mirko Zichichi, Stefano Ferretti and Claudio Schifanella
12:50-13:02 From Bitcoin to Stablecoin. The monetary development of crypto assets (oral communication) - Emilia Richiello
13:10-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:20 Session 3
14:30-14:42 Equilibria in DeFi from State Context Inspection (oral communication) - James Hsin-Yu Chiang, Conor McMenamin and Margherita Renieri
14:42-15:00 Incentivizing Customer Reviews in the Grocery Industry: The Re-Taled Project’s Approach - Tania Bruno, Ettore Etenzi, Luca Gualandi, Eraldo Katra, Rosario Pugliese, Alessio Taranto and Francesco Tiezzi
15:00-15:12 Scalability in E-voting Systems using the Solana Blockchain (oral communication) - Mohammad Hajian Berenjestanaki, Hamid Reza Barzegar, Nabil El Ioini and Claus Pahl
15:12-15:30 Enforcing Confidentiality in Tornado Cash-based E-voting Systems - Stefano Bistarelli, Ivan Mercanti and Francesco Santini
15:30-15:42 Blockchain in Public Governance: New Possibilities and Challenges for Public Data Management and e-Voting (oral communication) - Ali Mert Gürkan
15:42-16:00 The Referendum Problem in Anonymous Voting for Decentralized Autonomous Organizations - Vincenzo Iovino, Artem Grigor and Giuseppe Visconti
16:00-16:12 A Traffic-Analysis Proof Solution to Allow K-Anonymous Payments in Pseudonymous Blockchains (oral communication) - Francesco Buccafurri, Vincenzo De Angelis and Sara Lazzaro
16:20-16:40 Coffee break
16:40-18:20 Session 4
16:40-16:52 Clearing Fuzzy Signatures: a Proof of Work Blockchain Protocol for Biometric Identification (oral communication) - Paolo Santini, Giulia Rafaiani, Massimo Battaglioni, Marco Baldi and Franco Chiaraluce
16:52-17:10 An AMM minimizing user-level extractable value and loss-versus-rebalancing - Conor McMenamin and Vanesa Daza
17:10-17:22 From Paper to Blockchain: A Proof of Concept for Storing Aviation Mainentance Documents (oral communication) - Nader Mohamed and Francesco Bruschi
17:22-17:40 Modeling Carne PRI supply chain with the *-Chain Platform - Stefano Bistarelli, Francesco Faloci, Paolo Mori, Carlo Taticchi and Marino Miculan
17:40-17:52 Sharpening Ponzi Schemes Detection on Ethereum with Machine Learning (oral communication) - Letterio Galletta and Fabio Pinelli
17:52-18:04 ChorSSI: A Model-Driven Framework for Self-Sovereign Identity on Blockchain (oral communication) - Tommaso Cippitelli, Alessandro Marcelletti and Andrea Morichetta
18:04-18:16 Towards a Privacy-Preserving Dispute Resolution Protocol on Ethereum (oral communication) - Andrea Gangemi
18:30-19:00 DLT group meeting (Aula Ercolani E2: via Mura Anteo Zamboni 2B)

DAY 2: Friday 26th

9:00-11:00 Session 5
9:00-9:12 Oral communication: Towards mutable NFTs: Non-Fungible Mutable Tokens (oral communication) - Andrea Lisi, Damiano Di Francesco Maesa, Paolo Mori, Laura Ricci and Simone Schiavone
9:12-9:30 Blockchain-based Information Ecosystems - Francesco Salzano, Remo Pareschi, Lodovica Marchesi and Roberto Tonelli
9:30-9:42 An investigation tool for BESU permissioned blockchain performance. (oral communication). - Leonardo Mostarda, Andrea Pinna, Davide Sestili and Roberto Tonelli
9:42-10:00 A brief analysis regarding NFTs and digital artworks - Thayssa Bohadana Martins
10:00-10:12 Participatory design of token economies for local communities (oral communication) - Sowelu Avanzo, Guido Boella, Claudio Schifanella and Cristina Viano
10:12-10:30 Protecting digital identity in the Metaverse: the case of access to a cinema in Decentraland - Mirko Zichichi, Chantal Bomprezzi, Giovanni Sorrentino and Monica Palmirani
10:30-10:42 Using blockchain for certification of media creations: the case of "TRUTHSTER" (oral communication) - Federico Costantini, Francesco Crisci, Silvia Venier, Stefano Bistarelli and Ivan Mercanti
10:42-10:54 A Platform for Analyzing Payment Channel Networks in Supporting Real-world Payment Patterns (oral communication) - Marco Benedetti, Giuseppe Galano, Sara Giammusso and Matteo Nardelli
11:00-11:20 Coffee break
11:20-13:00 Session 6
11:20-11:32 A Decentralized Biometric Authentication Protocol based on Blockchain (oral communication) - Nibras Abo Alzahab, Giulia Rafaiani, Marco Baldi, Massimo Battaglioni and Franco Chiaraluce
11:32-11:50 A Tale on Decentralizing an App: the Case of Copyright Management - Andrea Vitaletti and Marco Zecchini
11:50-12:02 Scrify: an online tool to validate Bitcoin script (oral communication) - Stefano Bistarelli, Andrea Bracciali and Ivan Mercanti
12:02-12:20 Toward Scalable Docker-Based Emulations of Blockchain Networks - Diego Pennino and Maurizio Pizzonia
12:20-12:32 Account Abstraction: Improving User Experience in Blockchain Systems (oral communication) - Luca Ambrosini, Giuliano Gremlich, Tommaso Agnola, Lorenzo Ronzani, Roberto Guidi and Tiziano Leidi
12:32-12:50 Optimistic and Validity Rollups: Analysis and Comparison between Optimism and StarkNet - Luca Donno
12:50-13:02 A Word on Policy-based Credential Disclosure in SSI (oral communication) - Stefano Bistarelli, Chiara Luchini and Francesco Santini
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:25 Session 7
14:30-14:48 Analysis of the Impact of European Policy on Distributed Ledger Technologies and Crypto-assets - Hasret Ozan Sevim
14:48-15:06 Introduction to Consensus in Weakly Byzantine Asynchronous Environments - Aleksander Kampa
15:06-15:24 Impact of post-quantum signatures on blockchain and DLT systems - Stephen Holmes
15:24-15:36 A blockchain-based framework for GDPR-compliant personal data processing (oral communication) - Chiara Braghin, Stelvio Cimato and Marco De Simone
15:36-15:48 Ensuring Correctness of Smart Contracts with Constrained Horn Clauses (oral communication) - Fabio Fioravanti and Giulia Matricardi
15:48-16:00 Towards the Automated Verification of Smart Contracts (oral communication) - Chiara Braghin, Elvinia Riccobene and Simone Valentini
16:00-16:12 Security Verification of Ethereum Smart Contracts with ML Taking a Free Ride from Static Analysis (oral communication) - Dalila Ressi, Lorenzo Benetollo, Carla Piazza, Michele Bugliesi, Silvia Crafa and Sabina Rossi
16:12-16:24 Blockchain for Data Marketplace: Enhancing Security, Privacy and Trust (oral communication) - Silvio Meneguzzo, Alfredo Favenza, Valentina Gatteschi and Claudio Schifanella
16:25-16:35 Closing Session

All accepted research papers are available at http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3460.


Program Co-Chairs

  • Paolo Mori,
    Istituto di Informatica e Telematica del CNR
  • Ivan Visconti,
    Università degli Studi di di Salerno

Workshop Co-Chairs

  • Cosimo Laneve,
    Università degli Studi di Bologna
  • Giovanni Sartor,
    Università degli Studi di Bologna

Sponsorships chair

  • Monica Palmirani,
    Università degli Studi di Bologna

Organizing Commitee

  • Alessandro Parenti,
    Università degli Studi di Bologna
  • Adele Veschetti,
    TU Darmstadt

Web chair

  • Ivan Mercanti,
    Università degli Studi di Perugia

Steering Commitee

  • Leonardo Aniello,
    University of Southampton
  • Massimo Bartoletti,
    Università degli Studi di Cagliari
  • Stefano Bistarelli,
    Università degli Studi Perugia
  • Maurizio Pizzonia,
    Università degli Studi Roma Tre
  • Andrea Vitaletti,
    Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"

Technical Program Committee

  • Leonardo Aniello,
    University of Southampton
  • Massimo Bartoletti,
    Università degli Studi di Cagliari
  • Marco Benedetti,
    Banca d'Italia
  • Stefano Bistarelli,
    Università degli Studi Perugia
  • Andrea Bracciali,
    University of Stirling
  • Francesco Bruschi,
    Politecnico di Milano
  • Francesco Buccafurri,
    Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria
  • Matteo Campanelli,
    Protocol Labs
  • Marco Baldi,
    Università Politecnica delle Marche
  • Michele Ciampi,
    University of Edinburgh
  • Mauro Conti,
    Università degli Studi di Padova
  • Vanesa Daza,
    UPF Barcelona
  • Angelo De Caro,
    IBM Zurich
  • Stefano Ferretti,
    Università degli Studi di Urbino
  • Danilo Francati,
    Aarhus University / Concordium
  • Pierluigi Gallo,
    Università degli Studi di di Palermo
  • Juan Garay,
    Texas A&M University
  • Cosimo Laneve,
    Università degli Studi di Bologna
  • Alberto Leporati,
    Università degli Studi di Milan-Bicocca
  • Bernardo Magri,
    Manchester University
  • Giorgia Azzurra Marson,
    NEC Labs
  • Marino Miculan,
    Università degli Studi di Udine
  • Leonardo Mostarda,
    Università degli Studi di Camerino
  • Remo Pareschi,
    Università degli Studi del Molise
  • Maurizio Pizzonia,
    Università degli Studi Roma Tre
  • Laura Ricci,
    Università degli studi di Pisa
  • Domenico Sacca,
    Università degli Studi della Calabria
  • Antonio Sanso,
    Ethereum Foundation
  • Alessandra Scafuro,
  • Claudio Schifanella,
    Università degli Studi di Torino
  • Luisa Siniscalchi,
    Technical University of Denmark
  • Francesco Tiezzi,
    Università degli Studi di Firenze
  • Sara Tucci-Piergiovanni,
    Paris-Saclay University
  • Andrea Visconti,
    Università degli Studi di Milano
  • Andrea Vitaletti,
    Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
  • Vassilis Zikas,
    Purdue University
  • Roberto Zunino,
    Università degli Studi di Trento
