1st DLT working group meeting multidisciplinary aspects

Università Politecnica delle Marche Facoltà di Ingegneria
Via Brecce Bianche 12 Ancona
11 Ottobre 2019


Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) is having an ever growing popularity. Nowadays, the most popular application of DLT concerns cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monero, etc.), but the DLT features allow them to be applied in many scenarios, both in research and business contexts. In particular, the possibility of executing Smart Contracts makes the DLT technology suitable to be adopted in a large number of application fields, being Internet of Things, Cyber Physical Systems, Edge Computing, and Supply Chain Management, only some examples.


This workshop is a forum for researchers, developers, and users to discuss issues related to Distributed Ledger Technology and its adoption in research and business scenarios. The primary goal is to foster discussion and cross-fertilisation of ideas among experts in different fields related to DLTs, and thus advance the national and international state-of-the-art. Research, applications, case studies, and experiences concerning DLT are all encouraged. The topics of interest of the workshop includes (but are not limited to):

  • Blockchain foundations
  • Privacy and anonymity on blockchain
  • Smart Contracts
  • Smart Contracts analysis
  • Performance and scalability of blockchain based systems
  • Lightweight protocols based on blockchain
  • Attacks to blockchain based systems
  • Transactions analysis
  • Energy consumption issues
  • Applications of blockchain technologies
  • Legal aspects of blockchains

How to Participate

La partecipazione alle sessioni è gratuita e soggetta a registrazione obbligatoria tramite questo link.



09:00 Registrazione
09:20 Riunione gruppo DLT nazionale (riservata ai membri)

Session 1

10:30 Saluti di benvenuto ed apertura dei lavori
10:45 Il Centro Univpm di ricerca e servizio per la privacy e la cybersecurity - Luca Spalazzi
11:00 Introduzione a blockchain e DLT - Stefano Bistarelli
11:15 Il ruolo del gruppo DLT nazionale - Marco Baldi
11:30 Sfide di privacy e sicurezza con blockchain e DLT - Ivan Visconti
11:45 Blockchain and cryptocurrencies: a classification and comparison of architecture drivers - Remo Pareschi
12:00 ChorChain framework e blockchain process mining - Andrea Morichetta
12:15 Advanced digital signatures for blockchains - Massimiliano Sala
12:30 Un sistema avanzato di gestione delle supply chain basato su DLT - Michele Marchesi
12:45 DLT for smart transportation systems - Stefano Feretti
13:00 Lunch Break


Session 2

14:00 Blockchain e progetti europei - Marco Berzano
14:15 Blockchain applied to copyright management - Andrea Vitaletti e M. Fedeli
14:30 Da contratti a smart contract, aspetti giuridici - C. Bomprezzi
14:45 Intelligence e blockchain - Antonio Teti
15:00 Verso la token economy - G. Brandimarti
15:15 Focus panel su blockchain per Industria 4.0
15:45 Focus panel blockchain per made in Marche
16:15 Discussione e chiusura dei lavori